15 Truly Thankful Things

Although this was originally a Facebook challenge, I would like to share it on my blog. I am not nearly as thankful in my life as I should be. So, here goes.

1. Home – This may see like a given–if you’re reading this, I can guarantee you have a bed to sleep in at night, and a home to live in. The question is, what do you consider “Home”? To me, home is no longer a place. You may have realized from my blog so far that we have moved to 4 houses in one summer. (You can now add the fourth one which we are currently in–still in the same area, just smaller and fully furnished.) To me, home is my mom’s hugs, my two grandmas’ cooking, and my daddy’s music. Home is being with my cousin, Ryan, snuggling with Trevor, and wearing warm hoodies. It doesn’t matter where I am anymore. I can be home anywhere, because home is made of memories and love. I keep those things with me no matter where I go. Mother Theresa (not my mom, the real Mother) said, “Love begins at home.” I disagree. Home begins at Love. I miss Branson, not because I had a steady home which I had lived in for many years (although I did), but because of the friends I had there. My friends at school, church, and the familiar faces I would see around town. I miss that. The love made Branson home, not the physical roof and furniture. That’s just stuff.

2. School of the Ozarks – Speaking of friends and love, I miss my old school so much. For those who don’t know, School of the Ozarks is a patriotic labratory school. This uniform-wearing school taught me so much academically, socially, and especially Biblically. I grew more in that year alone than I thought was possible. I miss my teachers, classmates, and even the ridiculously difficult school work. My literature class this year is a breeze because of my teacher from that school. I am so thankful for my experience there, and, of course, I am disappointed that I was unable to graduate with my classes. The Lord has different plans for me, though. This semester, I am taking online classes, and next semester, I should be going to the Christian boarding school, Black Forest Academy. I am thankful that my classmates from SofO still consider me to be one of them, even though I am across the world from them now. I am also thankful that I had the guidance of the headmaster and teachers at that school. They showed me the hope in difficult situations. I remember on one occasion, I told my headmaster that I needed to leave school early, because I was recovering from some difficult things that had happened that week. My headmaster took me into his office and got out his phone. He pointed at the verse he had brought up and said, “Read it.” So, I read the first verse of Luke, “And it came to pass in those days, that there went a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.” This verse helped me through many hardships which I went through last year. “It came to pass”

3. Travel –  Those who know me well know that I embrace unexpected adventures with open arms. Wanderlust is a word with a beautiful meaning that has been terribly overused, therefore, I refrain from using it. If you find me on Pinterest, I have boards filled with traveling ideas and pictures. Adventure, exploring, travel, roadtrip–These words excite me. Of course, the name of my blog makes it obvious (Prone Wanderer), but I can’t explain how much I love packing up and driving/flying/public transporting somewhere. And, with a daddy like mine, you never know when you’re going to be packing up and heading out!

4. Family – Speak of my daddy! I am so thankful for my entire family! Let’s go through the list, shall we? Mama. She’s extremely hard working. She has an EXTREME love of work. She snuggles and watches movies with me EVERYDAY. This is fabulous. She cooks DELECTABLE food. Ohhhhhh so good. Unfortunately, I did not get the cooking genes, but she cooks for me at the moment, so it’s not a big deal. She has taught me to be loving even when people are hard to love, and she is hilarious, by the way. She makes me laugh every single day. (Not that she always means to, but she’s adorable, so I laugh anyway.) Daddy. Musical, patient, kind, loving, strong, musical, and also extremely musical. Hilarious is another word that comes to mind… But mostly because he enjoys the same sort of humor as I do. I am so thankful that he has been my teacher through these many, many years of piano, and I am also thankful for his example in humility, patience, and never ending love. Now, my siblings–they keep me humble. They also can be funny sometimes (if I’m not the brunt of their jokes). I love them all, of course. I also love my extended family–every one of them.

5. Christmas – IT’S COMING! Ohhhh the temptation of listening to Christmas music is SO strong at times. Occasionally, my moms and I just turn on our favorite Christmas CD for a while (not while my daddy is around–he doesn’t appreciate). I’m so ready for the Christmas tree to be lit up while we sit on the couch, snuggled in big warm blankets, and listening to the soft hum of Christmas music in the background. The Christmas services, the food, the cold outside/warm inside feeling. I’m ecstatic for that time to come again.

6. DVDs – They have saved our lives this summer. We haven’t had TV since really early June. So, instead, we watch movies! Harry Potter, Disneys, and 50’s Mysteries are our *favorites.* We had the library at our last house, which was also very nice, but now, we have TV!!!!!! You really don’t understand unless you’re in the situation. But we had *nothing* to do. I mean, just look at my next thing I’m thankful for.

7.Wifi – YAY! Wifi is the most amazing thing! You know you can just hop onto your computer and do whatever you want?! You don’t have to watch how long you’re on so that you conserve data! You can stream movies! You can watch The Office whenever you want! No, really! It’s insane! You can leave your wifi on when you’re not using it! It’s CrAzY! I’m so thankful for this crazy thing called wifi which we finally have after not having it for the ENTIRE summer.

8. Food – Yes.

9. Trevor – Puppy! He is therapy, and snuggly, and loveable, and cute, and smart, and wonderful. Also, moms and dads have gotten a little soft now that I’m the only child at home, and Trevor now sleeps on my bed (on a sheet, of course, mom!). He also helps me with school…by snuggling with me while I do my online classes on my bed (on a sheet, of course, mom!). He’s also brilliant and learns quickly.

10. Beauty – No, I don’t mean makeup and hair. I mean the flowers, colors, and everything beautiful. That means you and I, too, by the way! The Lord makes all things beautiful and clean. It’s such a lovely thought to think that we have been made new, clean, and pure–gorgeous, precious, lovely–when we accept Him into our lives. Anyway, when He knit us together in our mother’s womb, He made us beautiful. His creativity is in each one of us, too! We can each make beautiful things–unique things. We each have different kinds of creativity. Musical, artistic, athletic, and many other areas, too!

11. Food – Yes. Twice thankful for this.

12. Music – You really can’t describe it. For me, it’s the sound of my soul. (Not to be dramatic or anything.) I don’t like anything better than listening to a good musician do his/her work. It doesn’t matter what kind of music–I enjoy almost everything. It’s so nice to finally have a piano to play on. I had forgotten how much I relied on it to calm me down, to get my jitters out, and just to have a little fun.

13. Books – One of the other things that got me through this summer. Pride and Prejudice, The Book Thief, Life of Pi, and so many other brilliant books–all read this summer. No internet=more reading time! So, I often snuggled on my bed with one of these good reads and a little puppy would curl up next to me…(On a sheet, of course, mom!)

14. My Story – By this, I mean my life–my testimony. I have been through many a hardship, but when I wish that it had never happened to me, I remind myself of who I was before. I’ve matured, and grown closer to the Lord through my struggles. (And trust me, I have a *LOT* of struggles.) I’m thankful for the trials and tests of my life which have produced endurance, and will continue on it’s course to someday maybe become truly mature in my walk with the Lord.

15. The Lord – Forever, eternal, and the best thing in my entire life. He changes me, molds me, and sandpapers me down (which can be quite painful).

Stay thankful, even in the non-Thanksgiving times!

Clara Huff ♥

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